

LMC Media: Studio on the Avenue

About This Project

Mamaroneck, NY

Completion Date:

Mamaroneck, NY

Completion Date:

LMC Media’s Studio on the Avenue brings together a vision for positive community engagement with contemporary design, state of the art engineering, and high-quality construction. One of LMC’s driving forces throughout the design process was to make it easy for community members to engage with the studio from the sidewalk, to witness the technical work taking place in the green room, and to participate in the studio in podcasts being recorded.

The community’s experience of the studio begins at the street, where passersby can see into the space and watch the production staff working in the green room. The audio-visual recording equipment in the green room can be seen through the storefront glass and the space itself includes a built-in workspace and furniture that allows guests to visit and observe. From the green room, one can see clearly into the studio space where the living room-type furniture compliments the existing brick wall to create a cozy, inviting, and intimate space for podcast hosts and their guests. Off camera and along one wall in the studio are editing stations, above which are textured acoustic panels to help control the sound in the space. Close attention was paid to acoustics throughout the project from the design and construction of the glass wall system enclosing the studio, to the acoustic ceiling treatments, to the choice of finishes that shape the ambience.

Studio on the Avenue was designed to support the community. By creating a place where people feel welcome and inspired to tell their stores, in turn, the community is truly helping to support the Studio.